

Today I turn 31. Happy Birthday, to me!

When I was younger, I can remember counting down the minutes until the exact moment I was born. I'd use that time to think of all that had happened the year before, all I was thankful for, and all that I wished for in the year ahead.

This year, I'm thankful for...

My childhood... it was full of laughter, full of love, and many happy memories.

My awkward teenage years... I spent a lot of time figuring out who I wanted to be. And while some things didn't turn out the way I planned, I do have the life I always dreamed of.

My high-school self... I wish I could tell you so many things, but most of all, I would tell you that you can stop trying so hard. There are some pretty incredible things to look forward to, and they all happen because you are you, and not anyone else.

My twenty-something self... all of those wrong guys led me to the right one, and I'm so thankful for that.

My parents... for always being a wonderful example of love, for encouraging me, believing in me, and becoming my best friends.

My brother... for 25 years with the funniest kid in town. Thank you for always keeping it fun, and for helping me take myself less seriously. I miss you everyday.

My Otto... for making me a mom, for making me smile, and for teaching me unconditional love.

My husband... for fulfilling the dream of marrying my best friend, for being my biggest fan, my voice of reason and for loving me with your whole being. Thank you for being you.

My son... for showing me a love that I've never known before, for the joy you see in everything, and for your contagious laughter. In 16 months you have taught me more than I could have ever imagined.

My married-into family... for laughing with me, for crying with me, and the endless support in-between.

My friends... for being there when I need you the most, for making me laugh, and for showing me that family is much bigger than I ever thought it could be.

This blog... for the sweet friends I have made in the last two months, who comment, encourage me, and inspire me daily.



  1. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND! Keep up the good work on the blog - I love reading it! XOXO

  2. Happy Birthday to my new sweet bloggy friend!! Love this post!! Hope you had a great day with your sweet family!! XOXO


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