
Coming Undone

Dear Neighbors,

Despite what you may think, I swear to you I'm not removing my son's fingernails one by one.

I'm sorry that he's been crying for an hour. There was a time I would have given strange looks to my house, too. I would have thought, what are those people DOING to him!?!. But now I'm a parent to a two-year-old, so I've lost all basis to judge anyone, ever again, for as long as I live.

This morning the tears started because I put the lid on his sippy cup. Whoops. And then, they started again because his train fell off the train tracks. Oh, and the latest, 15-minute-long tantrum? Because I took him off my lap when he hit me in the face. I know, right? Cah-ray-zee.

So right now he's not crying because I gave him the iPad. I needed 15 minutes of peace and quiet to finish paying the bills and respond to some emails. I truly don't care if that is the right or wrong thing to do anymore. There's only so much crying one momma can take.

Deep down, he's the sweetest boy in the world. And sometimes I even need a reminder that this too, shall pass. He's all mine, every ounce of tears and snot and screaming, and I love him to pieces. I wouldn't trade today for anything, because one day I'll look back on this post and miss his tiny boy-ness.

So we're heading out now, and you will get a break from the screaming. Fresh air will do wonders for the soul. And so will some munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts. I'll be using them as bribery to get through the grocery store. Go ahead, judge away.



  1. Ok really, I laughed and almost cried reading this post. I just found your blog, thanks to Darci at the Good life and now I'm going to spend the next few minutes (hours) going through your blog! I too have a toddler, she's nearly two and a half, and some days I just have to look at her the wrong way and she starts the tears, so good luck, and thanks for reminding me that I am not on my own here!!!

  2. oh man oh man....i get it! my daughter didn't have "terrible twos" she had terrible two and a halfs and now terrible threes! (sorry that doesn't sound to encouraging does it?!)

    anyway, i get you. all day long it's something, and you're right sometimes it's all a mama can take. i told my husband all i wanted for mother's day was peace and quiet. two hours alone in target by myself walking around.

    he agreed, and gave me a hug.

  3. Oh yes, we were there this morning too. No judgement here ! My husband jokes around with me when our son throws a tantrum--he likes to say to him "gosh, your mommy is the meanest lady, isn't she? why does she DO that?". Jokingly of course, but it usually calms Owen down.

  4. Oh this post made me laugh because its really all you can do or you'll cry right?!!? And the hitting in the face - what is the deal with that? Why do they DO that?!?! Feeling your pain mama, I've been there I promise! Liam threw a fit the other day because I put his milk in a new sippy cup instead of the old one in the sink, what the what?!? So basically, this is how I sum up toddlers...."?!!??!?!?" Haha, enjoy your special Mother's Day weekend and I hope you don't get socked in the face in the process :)


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