

{What I'm Reading}: February & March Edition

A little behind on my monthly book posts, but I've been on a bit of a reading streak lately. I chalk it up to my book club at work. And by book club I mean 2 of my friends who are reading the same books as me. We're really fancy ;)



I won't try to break these two into their own reviews - once you read the first, there's almost no way you can stop before reading the second. They are THAT good. Divergent & Insurgent are a little outside my comfort zone, but truly were amazing. Veronica Roth has her third book in the series due out in October, and I can't wait!

The Age of Miracles

The Age of Miracles was a decent read. I felt like I was waiting for the big "reveal" to happen the entire book. And then I turned the last page and was really disappointed. I'm not to sure why this book make Oprah's book list, but there are a lot of amazing reviews.


Hand's down, one of the best books I've ever read. It's been a long time since I've read a biography, and Laura Hillenbrand did not disappoint. I had a hard time putting this book down at all, and given it's size, that is an impressive feat. I can honestly say that after reading this book, I have more respect for both our veterans and current service men and woman, than ever before. I highly recommend this book!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I'll be sharing pictures later this week once I get them off the camera!

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