

Mirror Update with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

I bit the bullet and bought my first sample pots of ASCP...
and now I'm a believer.

I thought all the reviews I read about how easy it was were all a bit exaggerated. They weren't. This paint is seriously the easiest thing ever, and it doesn't hurt that no matter how you apply it, it looks good.

I decided to try it on this mirror, which I just keep moving around the house. First it was in our bedroom, and most recently, our dining room (which of course I don't have a picture of). This thing has to weigh 50 pounds. It's solid and well made, and has been in C's family for almost 100 years. I love it - but it needed a little updating.

Prep work: none. I kind of dusted the mirror with my sleeve because I was too lazy to go find my Mrs. Meyers & a microfiber cloth. Nap time is precious, and once I was all set up to paint, I was.not.moving. 

This was after one haphazard coat of "Paris Grey". I did tape the mirror around the edges, but since I was going for a distressed look, didn't really feel the need to cover everything. I tore the tape up while the paint was still wet.

I waited a half hour, and then used "Simply White' over the grey, this time with a much lighter hand.

I loved it just like this, but had to try out the wax (because I bought it, and I'm impatient!). This is a close up of what the wax does to the paint. LOVE.

And that was it. I'm not kidding - 1 hour later, the mirror was done. And it didn't take a whole hour - there was about 15 minutes of work involved, the rest was drying time.

And here's the mirror on our buffet in the dining room. Don't worry, I'm sure it will move soon ;) I may have already measured to see how it would look in the living room. But for the sake of my marriage, I won't ask C to move it until after A's birthday party.

Love the finished product!

And ... now I have the painting bug. I already have one piece of furniture I'm thinking will be a great summer project for me, and I'm tempted to try some of the really bright ASCP colors!

What do you think?

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend! I'll be back next week with A's finished art wall. I'm practically giddy for him to see it on Easter morning!

Linking up with
Miss Mustard Seed
Liz Marie Blog

1 comment:

  1. Love this mirror update! I also love that you shared all the details! It is the prettiest!


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