

{Project Playroom} Part V: Art Wall

With only a day to spare, we finished the art wall! Since we would be traveling for Easter, we wanted the wall ready when we returned home on Sunday. I mentioned that A's Easter basket was full of art-wall goodies, and what use would they be without a finished space to use them?

Yes, we still have to put the outlet covers back up. Just keeping it real ;)

Now that all the pretty pictures out out of the way, I have to tell you, this wall was the biggest pain in the rear. Seriously, it was the worst DIY-gone-wrong, ever. I thought this would be a 2-day, super simple thing we would tackle after A went to bed. Oh, no no no.

Magnetic primer? SIX coats. No, you read that right. SIX. Do you know how expensive magnetic paint is? $20 for a tiny can. I won't admit how many we used. My husband was super smart before we even put the paint up, and decided we should only do magnetic paint on the center part of this wall. Thank goodness, because after our third trip to Lowe's for magnetic paint, we were seriously rethinking this whole project.

After six coats, we finally felt confident that the chalkboard paint could layer on top and that the magnets would still be able to work. I about had a melt-down once the chalk paint dried: the magnets were sliding down the wall! But after a few hours of pouting, I decided to try again, and they worked! I have no idea why, but if I asked C to put another coat of magnetic primer, I'm pretty sure he would have left me.

We are thrilled it's done, and by A's reaction on Easter Sunday, I'm pretty sure he's loving it, too. He kept repeating "wow! wooooowwwww!". Melt my momma heart.

I'm still hard at work on my new office space in the playroom, but hope to have pictures in the next few weeks. Just ordered my favorite print from the Emily Ley shop; it will be the perfect addition (and inspiration) for my desk.

Linking up with:
Liz Marie Blog 
Uncommon Slice of Surburbia


  1. Looks awesome! I love the idea of a chalkboard wall - it's on my someday list ha! And I hear you on the magnetic primer, I tried it once and didn't do enough coats before I painted over it and was SO mad!

  2. This is so fun! Looks like A loved it, not to mention how awesome it looks! I hope I can find a place in our house to do this. Owen is already obsessed with magnets and got a few sets for his birthday. Pinning this for future inspiration!


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