

{Big Boy Room} Mood Board

Hi friends! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend - we definitely did! Having an extra day off was glorious.

Our little guy had a big weekend: his crib came down, and he's now sleeping on a mattress on the floor. He has done great the last two days, which makes me feel so much better about the decision. I will admit that I cried a little bit as we disassembled the crib, but I know this move was for the best.

Just wanted to share A's big boy room inspiration. Because we're planning to move A into his twin bed next month, I've already bought the quilt & sham below, but still need to buy sheets. The move into a new room will most likely be a summer project, but I've already started to search out things on sale & that we can refinish or DIY. I am SO excited!


1 comment:

  1. LOVE the big boy room mood board!! Seriously, every. single. thing. Great job, Momma... I can't wait to see it all come together! Can you believe A is ready for a big boy room?!? How does this happen so fast?!


Thank you for your comments! I read each and every one of them!