

{Project Playroom} Part III: The Rug

A small update to the playroom - our new rug!

LOVE it!

I ordered this rug from Target, but unfortunately, it was a little too big for the space. I couldn't bear to return it, so I brought it to a local rug shop, and they were able to cut it down to size and re-serge it for me. You'd never know by looking at it, and now, it fits perfectly!

If you look closely in the first picture, you will also see a new white filing cabinet. We now have 2 of them, and they will become the base of our new desk. We're making lots of progress in here, and I'm so excited to see the room coming together the way I had envisioned.

Hope to have more updates soon! In the meantime, we'll be playing in the new space!

1 comment:

  1. I've seriously found so many cute things made by the "Threshold" brand at Target. Great choice on the rug, and you guys continue to inspire me with all your projects and progress!!!


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