


Happy Wednesday! Here's what I'm loving these days.

1) After reading Reichel’s post about her juice cleanse, I’m tempted to try one. My hubby seems to remember that I tried this once and got sick, but I truly have no memory of ever doing that. For lent one year, I tried to give up dairy & refined sugar, which I’m pretty sure I didn’t stick to…. I wonder if I have the willpower to try this for 3 days? Here's the one I've been thinking about.

2)  Our baby monitor died last weekend – boo! I was certainly disappointed, since we had only been using it for 18 months... and of course, the warranty is only for 1 year. I knew we would need to invest in a new one when we decided to grow our family, because Summer Infant no longer makes the monitor we originally had, and we wouldn’t be able to add an additional camera. We ordered this monitor last week, and while I won't yet say I love it, having a working monitor is wonderful.

3)  One of my 2012 resolutions was to get my pictures off my computer, and into an album. I was able to finish both 2009 & 2010, and they now happily reside in our bedroom. I’m in the process of working on our 2011 album, and I’m loving seeing all of these pictures again. Such wonderful memories. I still can't believe this little guy will be 2 in the spring.

4)      It’s the little things that make me happy. I finally ordered a new makeup bag, and it fits all of my makeup perfectly. Plus, it's cute.


5)  In keeping with my 2013 resolution to be more green, I ordered myself a waterbottle small enough to keep in my purse during my commute! Its so cute, and I love not having a plastic bottle to recycle every night.

6)  I shared A's big boy room inspiration yesterday, just in time for his big boy bedding to arrive in the mail... and I LOVE it.  


7) And I'm always loving these two boys. They make my heart so full.

Linking up with Jaime for WILW!

1 comment:

  1. So funny, I was just talking to my SIL about doing a cleanse. Hmmm... maybe we should do it together? Love seeing A's little baby pics! he is just precious. love the bedding. our monitor died last week too, and we'd only be using our for 9 months! XO


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