

{Project Playroom} Part IV: Progress

We are in full-on party planning mode, so the next few weeks we're racing to finish up some house projects. The playroom is at the top of the list, and while it won't be "complete", it will certainly be close.

I don't want to give everything away before we're finished, so instead here are a few sneak peeks at our progress from the weekend.

My new office.

A special project to add some personality to the walls, and honor my sports-crazed hubby.

A little art wall storage for A.

A special addition to the room, with lots of history & significance to our family.

And I can't forget world's cutest helper. I realize that I'm 100% biased, but this kids fascination with all things tool-related blows me away. He just picks up screwdrivers, drills, paint rollers, wrenches - you name it - and knows exactly what to do. We gave him this paint brush & a play paint container, and he was in heaven!

Can't wait to share some new pictures, soon. In the meantime, we'll be upstairs playing (and painting!).

You can see other Project Playroom posts, here:
Current Playroom
The New Rug

1 comment:

  1. love, love, love your office area!! That butcher block is such a neat idea for a counter!


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