

Going Green {A Guest Post}

I have an exciting guest post for you guys today!

Michelle Pinto, from SkA:nA, is here sharing her recipe for a DIY Body Scrub! It's super easy to make, and sounds like a perfect way to jump start a "green" beauty routing for spring!


I’d like to introduce myself to y’all, I’m Michelle! I work at SkA:nA, a luxurious spa in upstate new york. At SkA:nA we believe in using natural ingredients to revitalize the mind, body, and spirit. I enjoy sharing recipes and tips like these so all women can feel empowered and beautiful. I love meeting others, sharing ideas and exploring new opportunities!

Instead of just wearing green this St. Patrick’s Day, try going green as well. We hear the phrase “go green” quite often these days, having to do with anything from cleaning products to food, and from make-up to sustainable living. Almost any aspect of our lives can part of the ‘Go Green’ movement. Instead of just wearing green March 17th, use this day as inspiration to use green products on your skin as well.

Using ‘green’ products on your skin doesn’t actually have to mean you’re using something that is the color green. It simply means that it’s consists of natural products, is chemical free, is good for you and is good for the environment. There’s no need to spend a lot of money on a natural product for your skin either, a great skin exfoliation scrub can be made with ingredients that you might already be able to find in your kitchen.

Try making this all-natural Body Scrub to wash away winter skin and go green just in time for St. Patrick’s Day!

-Sea Salt
-Sweet Almond Oil
-Mint Essential Oil

Directions: A homemade body scrub is pretty simple to make, its 2 parts salt (or sugar) to 1 part oil. Typically, for one batch it’s recommended to use 1 cup of salt and ½ cup of almond oil. This body scrub can easily be stored however, so if you want to make a little extra and keep it to use later in the week you can! Add as few or as many drops of essential oil as you want, and mix the oil, salt and fragrance together in a small bowl.
** Use a mason jar for storage, and your body scrub will last for about a week.

To Apply: While in the shower, apply the body scrub to clean, warm skin. Use small circular motions to rub the body scrub on your arms, legs, hands, feet and torso. Wash the scrub off. Finish normal shower routine.

The sea salt will act as en exfoliant, washing away any dry flaky skin. As the new skin underneath is revealed, the almond oil will moisturize and revitalize your skin leaving you feeling fresh and clean! The mint scent will provide you with the extra “oomph” and fresh clean feeling.

For little to no cost, you can go green and feel clean this St. Patrick’s Day. Try making your own body scrub and have the peace of mind that knowing what you are using on your skin. Spring will be here faster than you can find the end of the rainbow and no one wants the embarrassment of dry flaky skin!

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