

Easter Basket

I'm kind of the queen of procrastination. I work well under pressure, so why not wait until the last minute?
Well, I've grown up a little this past year, and realized that by planning ahead, I feel a lot less stress. And now, for the first time in years, I'm managing to get stuff done on time.

Easter and A's birthday are just a few weeks apart, so I started working on his Easter basket as soon as Valentine's Day was over. Oh, and I really wanted a Pottery Barn Kids basket this year... which I missed on last year. Why? Because I procrastinated. See? It really does pay to plan ahead ;)

For Easter, I knew we the Easter Bunny wanted to give A an art space in the playroom. We made so much progress on the magnet/chalk wall this weekend, and I can barely wait to see the look on A's face when he makes the connection that it is all for him!

Since the big reveal will be on Easter morning, A's Easter Basket is full of items he can use in his new space. And a few other things that his momma wanted, just for good measure.

And last but not least, the custom alphabet magnets from Crunchy Farm Baby! Leah was awesome to work with, and let me customize the entire order with a combination of fabrics that she already had and that I purchased. I love them, and I'm SO excited to play with these. Oops - I'm so excited for A to play with these!

Now all that's left is to hide some eggs and finish our art wall!

Linking up with Darci for the Easter Basket Blog Hop!


  1. What a fun Easter basket! Thanks for sharing our magnet letters! :)

  2. Stopping over from Darci's blog. Love the custom alphabet magnets! The basket looks great!! Can't wait to put my little guy's basket together.

  3. I looooove those alphabet letters! I keep saying I could make something like them myself, but really, sometimes it's just easier to pay someone else to do it! :) I will have to check her out! An Liam's birthday is Good Friday so that's going to be a busy weekend for us! I went ahead and got his Easter basket done too which is helping my stress level...but I still need to finalize his birthday present!

  4. Hey there!!! Can't believe I'm just now seeing this....guess I missed yours on the link-up! It's PERFECT!!! And those magnetic alphabet letters are amazing. J just said he really wants me to get some for him too! ;) ;)

    And thank you again for asking me to join in on the mommy must haves post! That was so fun and a really good idea!! :)

  5. Those alphabet magnets are pretty awesome! Might have to get some for Drew. Thanks for linking up Jillian!

  6. Looks like a great Easter basket! Those shoes are too cute!

  7. Cute basket!! Stopping by from the link-up!


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