

Weekend Update

I'm very, very happy to report that I didn't need a new computer. I love Apple. I really, really do. The nice guy (boy, really... I could have been his mom!), told me that by Apple standards, my computer is "vintage", and sweetly gave me my new charger for free.

We had such a great weekend: it was the perfect mix of family time, projects & relaxing. I wish every weekend could be like that! Oh, and it didn't hurt that I had to put A in long-sleeved pajamas, either. This weekend was the perfect sleeping weather.

Last night I finally caught up on Real Housewives of New Jersey... oh my word, this show gets crazier every season. I know that 80% of this is for TV, but seriously?! Wow. These people are crazy!

Here are some snapshots of our weekend. I'll be back tomorrow with a real post!

shopping at Gap while waiting for my Apple appointment
our big boy pushing the new bathroom vanity
...and now riding on top of the new bathroom vanity
reading with daddy
new bedroom updates

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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