

August Done! List - Update

Last night, my computer died. Well, I don't know if it's really dead, but it won't charge. That's not usually a good sign... Hopefully the nice people at Apple will tell me it is a quick (and cheap!) fix... I had been thinking this would happen soon, but thought I had another few months.

So what better time than now for a no-picture post?!

If you remember, back in August I created my August Done! List, inspired by Becky from CleanMama. Now that August has come and gone, here's my update.

 Done! August To-Do List:
Clean out my personal email DONE!
Upload all iPhone pictures & videos to an online storage site DONE!
Backup all family pictures & videos to an online storage site
• Create a warranty binder
• Finish and order one Blurb album

As you can see, I didn't accomplish all that I had hoped. A big reason for that is I had been working on one item that I had been keeping a secret:

Launch Bella Carta Boutique on Etsy... DONE!

Last week, Bella Carta Boutique went live on Etsy, and I was elated. I had worked so hard to get my business online, and to see it actually happen... to type those words in an email to my friends and family... well, it was one of my proudest moments.

Having a small list of goals for the month was exactly what I needed to keep me focused. I'll definitely be doing this again.

The two items I didn't get to? I'm OK with that. They'll be part of my September Done! List. 

The items I did get to? I'm so happy they're done. 

If it turns out that my computer really is dead, I will be even more thankful I chose August to backup all my pictures!!

Happy Friday, friends!

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