

Busy Bees & Birthday Week

We are hard at work finishing up last minute projects & cleaning before A's birthday party this weekend. Motivation at it's finest. I always make this "master list" of things to finish before a big event, only to deeply regret it the weekend before. C and I are both looking forward to some quiet weekends the rest of the month - no more house projects, birthday present crafting or paint touch-ups. Phew!

This may be my only post this week (except for Friday of course!)

A little weekend recap (& phone dump)!

Friday night we spent some quality time drawing the the playroom. My little guy loves to erase what his momma has drawn.

Saturday morning was haircut time! The lollipop is a total bribe, but it gets him to sit still for 15 minutes.

The rest of the weekend was gorgeous. We spent 5 consecutive hours outside on Saturday & Sunday. Yes, consecutive. A wouldn't even come inside for a diaper change or snack, so we made some accommodations. Why would he want to, when he was playing with this?

It wasn't easy, but my awesome hubby got this together just in time for his birthday!

After bedtime, I spent some time getting the birthday cake toppers together. I can't even handle the cuteness ...
Any guesses as to theme of the party?

And just because I love this picture (from Easter weekend), I have to share it here. His smile literally makes my heart melt. I really wish I hadn't been wearing C's sunglasses, but, this is real life.

Linking up with Emily & Leah for Mommy & Me Mondays!

1 comment:

  1. What a great weekend!! I hear ya on having some down time after so much going on. Thanks for linking up, I am in love with this sweet picture! Can't wait to see all the party details, you're right the cake toppers are awesome!


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