

Miscelleny Monday

I'm so sad the weekend is over.
I feel like I say this all the time - but we had the BEST weekend. One of those weekend where I realized I wasn't crossing anything off of my to-do list, but didn't care. Because we just had SO much fun.

I haven't done one of these posts in a while, so I think it's time!

• My new favorite breakfast? Greek yogurt and granola. I decided to give up bagels for lent... so yogurt is my new favorite (and necessary) breakfast. Bagels may not sound like a sacrifice, but for me, they are. A bagel in the morning is quick and easy, and so delicious toasted with cream cheese. I also expect that giving up bagels will help me lose 5 pounds by March 31st - we'll see if that really happens.

• Amazing. There are no words. I'm already on book #2!

• A sneak peek at the new desk. I'm so excited this is coming together exactly the way I envisioned.

• I ran out of memory on my iPhone. This is kind of becoming a trend. First my computer, and now my phone. I can't help it! How can you not take a million pictures and videos of this face? Gah - I love him so much, I can't stand it.

 • My mirror. THE mirror. It's here! And it's hanging in the bathroom. I promise to share soon. 

• I'm so proud of A; he's doing such an amazing job in his big-boy bed. Seeing him curl up with his lovey and his pillow, breaks my heart just a little bit. He is such a little boy, in a big, big bed. Knowing that he was ready for this change - no, that he needed this change - makes me realize he is truly a little boy, and not a baby anymore. Can't believe he'll be 2 next month.

• And because I need to distract myself from getting emotional about A starting nursery school in the fall, I'm shopping for backpacks. This is my favorite, so far.

Happy Monday!

Linking up with
lowercase letters


  1. Yay, for an awesome weekend!! That picture of A with his baseball cap on, oh my gosh.. love it!! So glad the big boy bed is going well too. That mirror has to go in my house somewhere, love it!! Happy Monday, Friend!!

  2. LOVE THAT MIRROR!!! Can't wait to read about it...I'm actually looking for a wood mirror for one of our bathrooms now. And I have Divergent sitting on my desk from the library waiting to be read. So many people have recommended it! I'm starting it now since you recommended it :)


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