

Mommy's Day Out {Antiquing}

In my weekend recap last week, I mentioned that President's Day was also mommy-day...
My in-laws were visiting, and I was able to sneak away for some much needed quiet time. I contemplated going to get a mani/pedi, but decided antiquing would be much more fun.

All of these stores were new to me, and I loved exploring Lafayette for the first time. Here are some of the things I found (no, not all of them came home with me... I wish!)

These dressers were $149 each. I have to say - I really regret not getting one of these for our living room. Maybe I need to make a trip back.

This trunk was only $99, and was in pristine condition. Would be a great bedside table in a guest room, or even a little boys room!

This baker's rack wasn't for sale, but it was gorgeous. I really wish we had a giant storage shed, because it is pieces like these that I would love to save for our next home.

The next few pictures were from high-end salvage shops (aka, out of my budget), but I still thought these pieces were gorgeous.

This boat? Amazing. And only $2,000. What a steal! = )

I liked both of these lamps, but was too indecisive to pick one for our bedroom.
(I'm really regretting not getting the first one)

Loved this bench. So unique. How amazing would it look in an entryway?

Loved all the little collections this store had to offer...

And last but not least, an antique catcher's mask... this may be finding a home in A's big boy room!

Hope you're having a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely DYING over that bench! I'm looking for a bench now/deciding whether or not I'm using one we have and I would kill for that bench...okay, maybe I wouldn't literally kill, but you get what I'm saying...wonder what the odds are I can find one?!


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