

Master Bedroom Updates

I had really hoped to have everything done by the time I was ready to post these pictures...
But life happens and the bedroom frames are still empty or have pictures of kids that I don't know.

And even though it's not "done", I'm still sharing these pictures. Because I'm proud that I shopped my house and didn't spend a dime to refresh our bedroom.

Here is our bedroom looked this fall. Just so you know, I thought it was done.

And then our cable company decided we couldn't have cable in our bedroom without a cable box. And that one little cable box changed the whole layout...

(And just in case you were wondering, no, it was not an option to not have TV in our bedroom)

We had to move the dresser to house the cablebox. Which means we had an empty wall.

And now our floor lamp didn't have a place to live, and the frames on either side of the window seemed too big for the space. Oh, and I have to figure out how to hide that cord.

Here's the first part of the update - new wall frames.


I love that the layouts are a little different from each other. One of my unofficial new year's resolutions was to challenge myself when it comes to decorating. What that really means (for me)... not everything has to be symmetrical. That's a hard concept for this virgo. 

Don't worry: we plan on filling the holes in the wall & removing the price tickets on the frames, too.

This is the mirror from our dining room. It may be a little too low. I blame this on pinterest, and the suggestion I had read about hanging all of your artwork & mirrors lower than normal to make a space feel more cozy. C has to bend down to see himself in the mirror... so maybe it's a little too low.

Pictures are ordered for the frames, so maybe I'll have an update on those soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love your master bedroom.. will you come do mine? ha for some reason, I tend to neglect our room.. I really want to change that in the future though!


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