


I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before, but I do all of my blog reading in the mornings, while I take the train into the city. I have been using Google Reader for the last several years, and while it has served its purpose, I always wondered if there was something better. Google Reader drives me a little crazy - I find it disorganized, and I can't stand that I have to open a browser to comment on a blog.

On Wednesday, Leah posted a few questions to her readers, about how they read blogs, and Kathryn suggested gReader. I'm officially hooked.

gReader is a Google app, so all of your blogs are automatically loaded for you. But unlike Google Reader, you can comment directly in the app, rather than having to open a browser to comment.

Here are some screen shots form my phone, to help explain.

gReader Home Page

And just by clicking on the post you want to read, you are brought here.

'Blog' Page

The one and only thing I would change (so far), is the the name of the blog should be seen on the 'home screen'. In order to see the name of the blog, you need to click on the post.

I've only been using gReader for a day, but so far, I love it!

Happy Friday friends!
Check back next week for my Valentine's Day gift guides!


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