

A Valentine's Gift for A

Happy Monday!

This weekend was perfection. The only way it could have been better was if I had today off... I don't, but I'll call it perfect anyway.

It was so great being snowed in Friday night. I was looking forward to catching up on Blue Bloods with C, but I fell asleep in A's bed (again), and didn't move to our bed until 11. I was nice to catch up on sleep (and cuddles) with my favorite little guy, and go to bed really early. On Saturday we had a great night with friends at the children's museum, followed by a delicious dinner (complete with milkshakes!). Sunday was the best combination of being productive, relaxing and playing outside. And for the perfect ending to a perfect day... we (all) sat on the couch, watching the Grammy's, while A danced and clapped and smiled SO big (especially when Kelly's Clarkson's "Stronger" came on). Seeing him light up for all of those songs made my heart so full. LOVE him.

Just wanted to share one of A's Valentine's Day gifts that has been a big hit the last week in our house. This was originally meant to be a Christmas present, but ended up getting delayed in shipping (totally my fault), and became a Valentine's gift, instead!

The Mini Book of Names & Faces from Pinhole Press

This is such a cute little book for toddlers! A is a great age to appreciate this book - he loves looking at pictures of himself and his family, and is also starting to talk, so hopefully this book will help him associate names with a face.

I think he likes it!

I have to say, I'm also loving this book. I'm amazed at the quality - it is sure to withstand lots of wear & tear, and the colors are vibrant & fun. With 12 pages that you can customize, there is plenty of space for family & friends. It was so fun to go through and pick a picture for each person, and the quality of the printed pictures is amazing.

This would be a great gift for any kids in your life!

This should go without saying, but Pinhole Press in no way, shape or form compensated me for this review. In fact, I'm pretty sure they have no idea who I am.



  1. Sounds like a perfect weekend for sure! Love that A watched the Grammy's with you! A friend of mine ordered the same book for her little guy. They look awesome. Love A's face in the pics, too cute!!!

  2. It was so great seeing you this weekend!!! Love the book you made for A....and it looks like he does too ;). Soooo cute!


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