

{Project Playroom}: Part I / Current Playroom

Hi friends!

Welcome to our newest project - Project Playroom!

When we first looked at our home in 2008, the bonus room was a huge selling point. Without a basement, we knew we would need all the extra storage we could get, and this room kind of sold us on the house. Not many split-level homes have this extra space on the 4th floor, so we knew how lucky we were!

Unfortunately I don't have a "before" picture, but suffice it to say this room was a mess. Faux wood paneling, a moss green Berber carpet that had definitely seen better days, and years worth of dust & dirt in every corner. For 2 years, this room served as our attic, until little A (Baby P back then) was about to make his entrance. This room was the last big project before our little guy was born, and we're so SO thankful to have this usable, extra space in our home.

Here is our extra space looks today: part guest room, part playroom, part office, part storage.

I'll be sharing our home goals soon, but we have some big plans for this room in the new year!

Our goal is to turn this space into a true playroom for our little guy, and a permanent office for both me & C. While our office needs are different, we thought it would be best to share this space. I currently work at small desk in our guestroom, and it truly is perfect for me. But since we hope to turn that room into another nursery (one day!), we figured it would be easier to make the transition now while we are reworking the space upstairs. This space will also continue to function as a guest room, since much of our family, and almost all of our friends, live out of town.

Here is our project list - we can't wait to get started!

• find a new, plush (kid-friendly) rug
• add an additional large basket for toy storage
• replace blue bins on 2nd shelf
• child proof TV with anti-tip brackets
• create an art area (maybe a chalkboard & a rotating gallery for A's artwork)
• add a gate at the top of the stairs
• find a way to keep toys organized, and easy-to-find

• create/build a two-person desk in the dormer
• add shelving for storage
• make a functional/fun message station for reminders & invitations
• find 2 desk chairs
• create a functional filing system for household paperwork

Guest Space:
• add wall-mounted sconces near the bed
• update bedding
• add throw pillows along wall

• add/make window treatments
• build a closet door for small storage space
• add a closet rod to small space for off-season jackets
• add artwork to stairway

I'll be sharing my Pinterest inspiration & a mood board, soon. Seeing it makes me even more excited about this space!

1 comment:

  1. so jealous of this space! I so wish we had a room like this! Can't wait to see the inspiration and mood board soon.


Thank you for your comments! I read each and every one of them!