

Bathroom Artwork

I'm that girl who dreams of having more walls. There are so many things I want to hang up around our home, and honestly, we're out of wall space.

So when we renovated our bathroom this fall, I knew I would have another opportunity for displaying some great artwork.

Two years ago, when cleaning out my husband's grandfather's house, my father-in-law came across this piece of artwork and thought it would be something I would like. I loved it immediately, and have been keeping it in a safe place ever since. I love the colors, the aging of the paper, and that it is something that has been in the family for almost 90 years. The back of the artwork is signed, with the date September 6, 1924, and we're all pretty sure it was originally painted in Italy.

Not wanting to chance using the actual artwork in the bathroom, and having it be damaged with the heat & humidity, I set out for a way to use this original piece of art...without actually using it. My simple (and cheap) solution? A color photocopy!

When I shared our bathroom reveal a few weeks ago, we were still missing a few key pieces... one of them being artwork for the frame next to the vanity.

As soon as I saw this print from Megan Balli on Etsy, I knew it would be perfect for our bathroom. The colors were gorgeous, and it reminded me so much of Vermont. I had to have it!

Megan was amazing to work with, and quickly set up a listing for me in a 4x6 size. It was shipped the next day, and as soon as I got the package, I ran upstairs to the bathroom to see how it would look. Even A pointed to it and smiled. We love it!

I'm already trying to figure out where else I can squeeze in a few more frames, just so I can buy more of Megan's work. It's all gorgeous!

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