

The Little Things

I'm back (again)! Between a sick baby and the Holiday Card rush for Bella Carta, this little blog was neglected last week. Little A decided last Tuesday was the perfect time for a 103 fever and a case of croup, so we spent our Turkey Day at home in our jammies, trying to get a few smiles from a sick little boy. I'm happy to share he's on the mend, and yesterday was the first day we started to see the 'old' A coming back!

So while I may have missed the token Thanksgiving 'thankful' post, it's never to late to share all that I'm grateful for.

I'm thankful for my husband, my baby boy and our puppy. The three of them are my life and my joy.
I'm thankful for my parents, and all they do for us. They define the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child".
I'm thankful for my friends, for making me laugh and keeping me grounded.
I'm thankful for my job, and all that it provides for my family.
I'm thankful for my health, and the health of my family & friends.
I'm thankful for the men, women & dogs who fight for our freedom everyday.
I'm thankful for Bella Carta, and the creative outlet it gives me.

And while the rest of this list may seem materialistic (it is), I am still thankful for all of these things...
I'm thankful for coffee, and books, and shoes that don't hurt my feet. 
I'm thankful for Pinterest, heated seats and good wine.
I'm thankful for a clean house, and for the 3 boys that make it messy again.
I'm thankful for naptime, and for the knowledge that being thankful for naptime does not make me a bad mom.
I'm thankful for my iPhone & camera, and the thousands of pictures I have of A because of them.
I'm thankful for blogs, and all the inspiration & reassurance they provide.
I'm thankful for pedicures, even if they only happen three times a year.
I'm thankful for rainy days, and an excuse to stay inside and be lazy.
I'm thankful for gorgeous fall days, for long walks and playing in the leaves.
I'm thankful for makeup & my blowdryer, and for their ability to morph me into a human every morning.
I'm thankful for this space, and for all of you that come here everyday to see what we're up to.
and I'm thankful for pictures of mommy & A... few & far between, I cherish every one of them.

P.S. stop by tomorrow for pictures of the bathroom reveal!

Linking up with Dear Baby Owen & Everyday Love, for Mommy & Me Mondays!


  1. Thanks for linking up, love the picture! Glad he's feeling better today.

  2. Love the pic!! I am so happy A is feeling better!!! You read my mind on this Thankful List! And I'm thankful to have met you in this big blog world!! Thanks for linking up friend!! XO


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