

Still Here

I was a bad blogger last week. And I'm not going to be a good blogger this week, either.

If you've been reading over the last few months, you know that our bathroom renovation began this weekend, on our one and only shower in our home. You also probably know that my son, A, is the worlds lightest sleeper. With all the work happening in our home right now, we've been shuttling back and forth to my parents house the last 4 days for naps and baths, and life is a little nutty right now. My parents have been so gracious to open their home to us, letting us come through like a tornado several times a day, and then cleaning up in our wake. They are our saving grace right now.

My in-laws were also down this weekend, to help us with the renovation. To say we are grateful for their help would be an extreme understatement. Whenever we're in the middle of a renovation, they always come to help, no questions asked, and save the day. We couldn't have done any of this, without them.

So yes, my house is a mess and we don't have a working shower. Neither one of those things will change this week, so we'll still be shuttling around to shower, and working late nights to finish up the bathroom.

Posting will be light this week, and I plan to be back next week with lots of updates, and maybe a bathroom reveal.

See you next week!

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