

Miscellany Monday

• We spent the weekend with some of our favorite people and had the best time. Weekends like this make me miss my friends even more. See you ladies SOON!

• I cannot believe the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion. I'm trying to watch and type at the same time, and I can't. Did Theresa really just tell Melissa she was trying to copy her, because she was wearing glitter eyeshadow? Wow!

• I'm currently reading House Rules, by Jodi Picoult. I'm almost done, and I love it. Honestly, I love every single one of her books: they are always thought provoking and raw, and make you see both sides of a story. Did anyone ever ask you, if you could have lunch with one person, who would it be? (I had to answer that on a job interview once!). Jodi Picoult would be my answer.

• A peek at real life right now. Bathroom renovation officially begins on Friday. Hallelujah!

• A is going through a little sleep regression. At 4:00 every morning, he wakes up and wants to be rescued. Once he is in our bed, he promptly falls back asleep for another 3 hours. I can't say I mind the cuddles... I love the cuddles. But baby boy, we just got you sleeping through the night in July...could you maybe go back to doing that?

• I love, love love when my favorite shows are back in the fall. Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, Smash & Blue Bloods will all be occupying space on our DVR this fall. Which means I have to delete some Bubble Guppies. Sorry buddy! 

• Blue Moon Pumpkin Harvest is my new favorite beer. I've tried a bunch of different pumpkin flavored beers, and this is definitely my favorite.

• While I realize the bathroom renovation hasn't truly begun, I can't help think about what our winter projects might be. This hutch is begging for a makeover. It once belonged to my grandparents, and for the last week, has been living in our dining room. It is perfect for our kitchen, and will give us some much needed storage!

• I've been doing a lot of online "window shopping" lately. Here are some of my favorite finds for fall!

via Wisteria
via Wisteria
via Pottery Barn
via Pottery Barn

• I had wanted to participate in The Nester's 31-day challenge, but just couldn't commit to posting everyday this month. I had promised myself a few weeks ago, to give myself a little grace, and a little more quiet time. Between being a mom, my job, the blog & my Etsy shop, I was being truthful in saying the challenge was just a little too ambitious right now. Maybe next year!

• Our anniversary is this week! I'm so excited to celebrate with my hubby. And I love a good excuse to sit on the couch and look through our wedding album :)

I hope everyone has a great week! Happy Monday!

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