

Weekend Reading

Erin from Blue Eyed Bride has started a new weekly recap, where she shares her favorite blog posts from the week. This week she's hosting a link up, so I thought I'd share my favorites, too!

"Built-In" Bookshelves from The Macs: great inspiration for anyone looking for cute, affordable toy storage!

Dear Me: A letter to my teenage self from Erin: every twenty or thirty something girl can identify with this post. A wonderful reminder of where we've all come from.

Nursery Design Series from Honey + Fitz: 11 talented bloggers design nursery inspiration boards for Dina's second baby boy. I couldn't pick my favorite - each one was perfect!

the lazy gal's survival guide to better housekeeping from the Handmade Home: an honest post on the unattainable 'perfection' we feel we need... and Ashley's new series on how to find balance with all of it. Or, as she so perfectly said: "raising a family and surviving it all"


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