

Christmas in September {Holiday Traditions}


Last summer, I stumbled across a post about a wonderful holiday tradition: giving your child(ren) one book, everyday, beginning December first and continuing until Christmas Eve. A Christmas Book Advent Calendar... what a great idea! I'm an avid reader, and hope that A loves to read as much as I do. His book collection is massive, and we have books in almost every play-space, the diaper bag, and in the car. I immediately started looking for Christmas books anywhere I could find them, and slowly started growing our collection.

Although A was a little young last year to understand the meaning, he smiled at a lot of the stories, and C and I loved reading them to him. We plan to continue the tradition this year, and thankfully, will not need to buy a lot of new books. There are few that we plan to replace as A gets older, but many of them will last for several years - if not through his entire childhood.

I was so thankful that this idea was posted over the summer, so those of us who were interested in starting this tradition with our own children, would have enough time to gather all the books before December. I thought I'd pay it forward, and share the books we purchased last year!

A few of these books were purchased from Borders during their store-closing clearance, and a few others were purchased through Totsy, Gilt or HauteLook flash sales. Below contain links to the books through Amazon. Amazon occasionally offers 4 for 3 promotions on children's books (buy 4 books, and get them for the price of 3). I took advantage of that promotion a few times to finish our Christmas collection. And of course, if you are an Amazon Prime Member, you can take advantage of free shipping on most (if not all!) of these books!

Elf on the Shelf
You are my Miracle

Duck & Goose, It's Time for Christmas
Bear Stays Up for Christmas

My First Christmas

Christmas in the Manger

Llama Llama Holiday Drama
Fly Santa Fly
BOB: And 6 more Christmas stories
Olivia Claus

Merry Christmas Little One

Max's Christmas
The Finest Christmas Tree
Christmas is Coming, Marley

Merry Christmas, Storybook Collection
When Santa Turned Green

Great Reindeer Rebellion
Cold Paws, Warm Heart
The Night Before Christmas

Not that I want to wish Fall away, but I am already looking forward to re-reading these stories to A again this year!

note: this post contains affiliate links


  1. This is such a fun tradition! We did something similar but we only got one nice hardback per year. We all signed our names and dated the front cover. Now that my girls are grown it is fun to look back and remember. You are creating some wonderful memories!

  2. How did I miss this post?! I LOVE this idea, I am trying to organize my thoughts for Christmas right now because I feel like there is just soo much I want to do with Owen! Thanks for this!


Thank you for your comments! I read each and every one of them!